SISMA PLUS Subsidy Evaluation Tool

What is it?

SISMA PLUS Subsidy Evaluation Tool aims to reduce the payback period for the deep renovation of public buildings in the Mediterranean area, which share common major challenges: long payback times, low investment returns, and long-term investment risks. This helps local municipalities of the MED area overcome the challenges they usually face when financing investment projects on deep energy retrofits.

The SISMA SET is a simplified Excel® tool that does not require in-depth energy expertise. The SISMA SET determines the minimum public subsidy needed to make an investment bankable. The SISMA SET provides an energy assessment and financial evaluation of ECMs (Energy Conservation Measures) and can be used for the following four types of public buildings: schools, gyms, office buildings and healthcare structures. The SISMA SET can also be used by Public Bodies to prioritise interventions when carrying out an analysis on several buildings (i.e. buildings with the most convenient subsidy/investment ratio). 


Who is it for?

Civil Society - Citizens
National & Regional Authorities
Policy Makers - Green Deal

SISMA exploits and transfers to local public authorities innovative financing solutions that use public/private schemes for financing (such as ESCOs) and that leverage energy savings potentials.

The SET package bundles the technical and financial evaluation of Energy Conservation Measures (ECMs) with ready-to-use spreadsheets, guidelines and dedicated training documentation, providing Local Public Authorities (LPAs) with a financial mechanism apt to significantly increase the energy renovation of public buildings through effective bankable projects. With the SET model, public funding is minimised and tailored for each project with a new approach enabling public authorities to maximise savings overcoming inefficient procedures where public funding is still based on flat rates or fixed percentages.

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