Urban Space Center

What is it?

Urban Space Center is a web-based SaaS urban planning platform for early-stage planning. Our platform makes existing 3D digital twin models usable with easy-to-use drawing tools and real-time building code feedback.

The platform makes designing in a 3D environment easy, comparing designs and customising KPIs along with real-time feedback. Complete early-stage planning and presentations within minutes!

Digital twin planning platform

Who is it for?

Architects - Designers - Engineers
National & Regional Authorities
Policy Makers - Green Deal

Urbanistic is the ideal tool for potential analyses to verify compliance with existing property or land building regulations.

  • City municipalities can quickly gain an overview of their area, speeding up the administrative processes through automated preliminary reviews of building applications.
  • Architects and urban planners can directly check the feasibility of variations, ending drudgeries such as setbacks or built-up area calculations.

Explore the Tool

Directly from the developer’s website

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