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Play AUT the Box

Play AUT the Box, Playable cities for all (PAtB) builds on ASD Publics to reinforce and go one step further in the improvement of public play spaces for children with autism and their families.

By co-designing the Box AUT, an adaptation of the ‘play containers’ installed in the city’s public space, and piloting Games AUT, the games and toys they contain, the project prioritises a community that has traditionally been underrepresented in public policies and actions.

The PAtB consortium will prototype a living lab for the co-creation of environmentally and autism-friendly play infrastructure with key stakeholders and end-users. PAtB will deepen the knowledge on the needs of children with autism and their families and on how these can be translated into the design of concrete play infrastructure putting into practice the ASD Public design guidelines and pushing the city of Barcelona into a leading and pioneering position in real universal accessibility.

PAtB will pilot environmental and autism-friendly play infrastructure to promote social inclusion for autistic children and their families and improve their experience of the city. The specific objectives are: co-designing six prototypes for play infrastructure and co-design an environmental and autism-friendly version of the containers installed in the city’s public spaces (Box AUT).

It will do so through four co-creation workshops with autistic children and their families, members, city officials, autism experts and play infrastructure designers. Games Aut prototypes will be tested and displayed during a public event in the «0-99» play space in Les Glories, Barcelona.