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Unlocking the power of innovative learning tools for bionic transformation

25.05.2023 | 15:00 | Online

The Unlocking the power of innovative learning tools for bionic transformation event marks the end of the Erasmus+ GIST project by presenting the online learning course Facilitator for Bionic Transformation.

The course is designed for companies seeking to keep up with the increasing demands of technological transformation – a challenging task for organisations requiring personnel with the skills they may not have. Companies that understand how to lead a bionic transformation can make rapid progress and create substantial value.

At the online event, you will learn from the key speakers several interesting digital tools that can support wood/furniture and construction companies in strengthening those key skills and achieving the basic competencies to reach the status of a bionic company. Moreover, you will learn the key building blocks of a bionic company and how to become one.

Unlocking the power of innovative learning tools for bionic transformation - Agenda

15:00 - Opening: Furniture education going digital: what are the innovative learning tools for wood and furniture industries?

Radmila Ustych (moderator), InnovaWood

15:10 - Bionical digital transformation for SMEs. Overview of GIST e-learning tools.

Radmila Ustych, InnovaWood

15:40 - digiNEB.eu: best practices, training and digital solutions for the New European Bauhaus ecosystem.

Maria Giuffrida, Trust-IT Services

16:00 - Questions and answers, open discussion.

How to make the training in the furniture sector more attractive by offering digital tools

What digital tools can help companies become bionic and stay ahead of the competition

16:30 - Closing words, feedback form

17:00 - End of the event