On the 26th of June, the DigiNeb Project will take part in the webinar on Virtual Reality in Affordable Housing and Neighbourhood Development together with European Federation for Living. The webinar will focus on Virtual Reality applications to improve resident involvement in social and affordable housing. From 3D tours of properties, to interactive platforms for co-designing shared spaces, diverse VR applications are increasingly used in the field of affordable housing. The discussions will evolve aroung innovations in VR, drivers for their use in resident engagement, and requirements for social and affordable housing companies using them. From Peabody, UK a presentation will be given on experience with using VR to engage residents in a regeneration project. Stefan van der Speck from Delft University of Technology will present the the in-house VR Lab for urban design. The EU-funded DigiNEB project will showcase the digital solutions for the development of high-quality built environments and presents them within the context of recent cases of their use in practice. EFL members are invited to capitalise on the community of NEB stakeholders, and contribute to the DigiNEB community by participating in upcoming focus groups and case studies. Participants are invited to discuss collaboration on future calls for funding, such as NEB funding call: New governance models for the co-design and co-construction of public spaces in neighbourhoods by communities and final words
Date and time: June 26th 11.00-12.25 CET (10.00-11.25 BST).
Online, via Teams.
If you are interested in participating in the webinar please send an email at: [email protected].