In 2022, Prostorož has been researching the open spaces surrounding the clinics of the University Medical Center of Ljubljana (UMC) and the nearby Oncology Institute involving healthcare professionals, patients, and their relatives.
Although healthcare professionals, patients, and their relatives are the main users of the open spaces surrounding the hospital, they are rarely involved in the discussion about those spaces. Over the last year, we have been exploring their point of view - what is the current user experience of these spaces for patients and healthcare professionals? What does the space around clinics need to facilitate? What are the needs of the users of these open spaces? Our user experience research took place from January to November 2022. We observed the behaviour of 583 users using Good Public Space analysis*, completed 373 surveys, held 5 workshops, conducted 7 interviews, installed 16 test benches (which now remain in place) and collected 113 initiatives at a planning booth.