BUILD UP: The European portal for energy efficiency and renewable energy in buildings

What is it?

BUILD UP is a European Commission initiative started in 2009 to assist Member States in implementing the EPBD. BUILD UP’s objective is to reap the benefits of Europe's collective intelligence in energy efficiency and renewable energy in buildings. The BUILD UP web portal targets professionals in the building sector with an interest in the latest technical, practical, and policy developments in the sector. It is collaborative, bringing together practitioners and professional associations in the sector and motivating them to share and discover knowledge, resources, and good working practices via the portal. BUILD UP also produces tailored content each month (expert talks, webinars, articles, and more) on sector-relevant topics, capitalising on the BUILD UP network of experts, projects, and organisations. By joining BUILD UP users have an opportunity to grow their network, boost their visibility, promote their own activities, further disseminate their projects ‘results, influence markets and stakeholders, exchange their expertise and promote good practices.

build up

Who is it for?

Architects - Designers - Engineers
Construction Industry Players
Research & Academia

Architects, engineers, building and construction sector practitioners, researchers, policymakers, European (and other) projects, researchers, students, and more. 

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