Digidem Lab

What is it?

Digidem Lab is a civic tech tool that focuses on designing inclusive processes for citizen participation. The tool is aimed at involving under-represented groups and uses international experiences and methods to design citizen-centred processes.

The platform uses Decidim, a leading digital platform for citizen participation, to conduct dialogues and streamline the process for local authorities. Digidem Lab also provides process development and digital tools for participatory budgets. Additionally, Digidem Lab offers training in community organising, which enables individuals to organise with their local community and create the change they want to see. Digidem Lab is based in Göteborg, Sweden.

Digidem Lab works for the deepening and expansion of participatory democracy at all levels of society.

We are a worker-owned cooperative that designs and develops methods for political and democratic innovation. We are passionate about participatory democracy and support practices that empower people to influence the decisions that affect their lives.


We believe in developing democracy to include more aspects of society and developing methods to create greater participation. We believe in co-creation in all aspects of our work, including the development of processes and digital tools for participation.


We want people who are affected by decisions to have a say in making them. We work to ensure that our projects have a clearly defined mandate for participants.


We promote greater transparency in participatory processes. We share our knowledge and experience. Our digital tools are open source to ensure security and auditability.


We build on the successful experiences and work of others and strive to share our knowledge, code and expertise with others.

Continuous learning

We are constantly developing our methods and tools for participation to adapt them to a changing reality.

How we work

We see participation as a process in which we can take action on specific steps, while being aware of the process as a whole. This model was developed by the EU D-CENT project.

What we do
  • Process development and advice for participatory processes
  • Training in democratic participation and community building
  • Development and support of digital tools for participation and transparency

Who is it for?

Civil Society - Citizens

Explore the Platform

Directly from the developer’s website

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