Building Energy Use and Cost Analysis Tool

What is it?

DOE-2 is a widely used and accepted freeware building energy analysis program that can predict the energy use and cost for all types of buildings. DOE-2 uses a description of the building layout, constructions, usage, conditioning systems (lighting, HVAC, etc.) and utility rates provided by the user, along with weather data, to perform an hourly simulation of the building and to estimate utility bills.


Who is it for?

Architects - Designers - Engineers
Research & Academia

DOE-2 is a building energy simulation tool comprehensive enough to be useful to ALL design team members, yet so intuitive ANY design team member could use it, in ANY or ALL design phases, including schematic design. It was designed to perform detailed analysis of today’s state-of-the-art building design technologies using today’s most sophisticated building energy use simulation techniques but without requiring extensive experience in the "art" of building performance modelling.

Explore the Tool

Directly from the developer’s website

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