
What is it?

LunchBox is a plug-in for Grasshopper for exploring mathematical shapes, paneling, structures, and workflow.  We have also introduced new components for general machine learning implementations such as regression analysis, clustering, and networks. The plug-in includes tools for:

The latest release of LunchBox is built against

  • Grasshopper and Rhino 7

Available components include....

  • Data:  Components for dataset management, XML, and JSON formats
  • Generate: Components for cool generative geometry.
  • Math:  Create parametric surfaces and forms such as the Mobius, Klein, or 3D Supershape 
  • Panels:  Create paneling systems such as quad grids, diamonds, or triangles.
  • Structure:  Create wire structures such as diagrids or space trusses.
  • Utility:  Geometry utiltiies, sorters, R-tree searches
  • Workflow: Read and write Excel files, layer management, and automate baking and saving.

As of V2 LunchBox's Machine learning tools are now located under a new LunchBoxML tab in Grasshopper and includes:

  • NEW Microsoft ML.NET trainers, algorithms, and tester components
  • Data management components for preparing training data
  • Legacy Accord.NET trainers and testers

Who is it for?

Architects - Designers - Engineers
Construction Industry Players
Research & Academia

Explore the Tool

Directly from the developer’s website

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