Open Badges

What is it?

Open Badges are the world's leading format for digital badges. They are verifiable and shareable, containing detailed information about the achievement and what the recipient did to earn the badge.

Open Badges are a flexible and portable way to recognize learning that can sit alongside traditional qualifications and professional accreditation. Open Badges are a specific type of digital badge conforming to the Open Badge standard, created by the Mozilla Foundation and currently defined by the 1EdTech Consortium.

Open Badges include information on the organization or individual who issued the badge, the criteria that the badge has been assessed against, evidence, when the badge was issued, a verifiable reference to the recipient, and several other required and optional properties. Some badges contain links to detailed evidence, expiration dates, searchable tags, and alignments to educational standards or frameworks.

open badges

Who is it for?

Architects - Designers - Engineers
Civil Society - Citizens
Digital Tech Companies & Associations

When a learner seeks to transition to a new educational or professional opportunity, sharing their previous experience is an integral step in the process. Digital credentials can help both the sender and receiver ensure the record's authenticity and empower the learner only to share what is most relevant. From individual accomplishments and experiences to entire degrees, a record can be presented and verified electronically and quickly.

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Directly from the developer’s website

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