What is it?


TESSA streamlines the concept design process, radically reducing the time you spend on speculative work and delivering structurally viable, carbon quantified, and fully costed schemes based on optimised apartment layouts in minutes. It enables you to zero in on the best solutions and to focus your design skills on these, creating a shared model for collaboration with clients, consultants, and planning authorities, backed by full integration with standard BIM software for export.

More viable options, more quickly
Speculative and repetitive work automated
Designs augmented by cost plan, carbon metrics and structural solution
Freedom to focus on design intent and response to context: the ‘value-add’



TESSA delivers highly accurate site viability assessments in real time, with no specialist skills required. Design options are based on a fully costed and carbon quantified modular build system – the Modulous Kit of Parts – which underpins the TESSA unit types. Developers can manipulate their briefing criteria to hit their desired targets and cost and carbon metrics will update automatically, bringing unprecedented certainty to early-stage feasibility.

Viable designs without consultant team input
Accurate cost and carbon metrics from live data
Optioneering in real time
Certainty at your fingertips



TESSA unlocks the potential of sites, giving you instant access to their development value. It is searchable by location or Land Registry title, enabling you to explore the context of your sites and to understand their residential capacity with unprecedented simplicity. Outputs are powered by live data, with cost and carbon metrics drawn from an accredited modular build system: the Modulous Kit of Parts.

An intuitive interface
Instantly accessible site parameters
Land values in minutes
Live metrics to inform decision making


TESSA's products can be licensed for use, or our in-house specialists can work with you on a consultancy basis. Services include feasibility studies for any site, adapting consented schemes to modular solutions, and project delivery through industry-standard procurement routes.




TESSA by Modulous

Who is it for?

Architects - Designers - Engineers
Construction Industry Players

FOR LANDOWNERS: they can apprise their sites at minimal cost allowing them to make informed decisions before optioning land.

FOR ARCHITECTS: they can minimise early-stage speculative work and focus on design intent.

FOR DEVELOPERS: they can assess multiple options to compare cost and return on investment in real time.

FOR CONTRACTORS: they can deliver modular projects with no capex and with reduced working capital exposure.

FOR SUPPLIERS: they can leverage our products to optimise their own processes and become more resilient to market fluctuations.

Explore the Platform

Directly from the developer’s website

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