October 2020-September 2024
€ 6,886,157.73

The main focus of the SATO (Self Assessment Towards Optimization of Building Energy) project, part of the Horizon 2020 programme, is to provide comprehensive energy monitoring, assessment, and optimisation capabilities for buildings, leveraging an AI-based platform that allows the interoperability among components, while assisting and optimising the energy consumption of the building’s energy-consuming devices.


SATO is now developing:

The SATO Platform: a self-assessment enabler that exploits IoT sensors and actuators that smoothly merge with the pre-existing BMS and smart-home/smart-device systems. The platform will support:

  • Data Exchange with various types of IoT-enabled devices,
  • Knowledge Extraction to facilitate situation-aware user interaction and engagement, as well as building performance assessment,
  • SATO's dedicated self-assessment and optimisation services that can effectively optimise energy efficiency and flexibility in residential and service buildings,
  • Ability to respond to user requests and the electrical grid.

The SATO Services will translate the platform's building self-assessment capabilities into actionable insights by employing data-driven techniques and keeping a view on five goals:

  • Conducting self-assessment of all building energy consumption and devices,
  • Optimising building energy consumption and devices through automation,
  • Automating the building energy ecosystem while taking into account grid and user requests and preferences,
  • Demonstrating how the SATO platform enhances the smart readiness of buildings,
  • Facilitating engaging communication of building energy performance and smart readiness level.

The SATO project is also conducting eight pilots in three climate regions (Mediterranean, central, and northern Europe) to deploy and test the SATO platform: the pilots involve control, assessment, and optimisation of systems while testing different operating modes and user settings/types (residential, services, and retail).


The SATO project aims to address the performance gap between buildings' actual energy use and predicted, focusing on five objectives that can support energy efficiency efforts and align with the New European Bauhaus (NEB) value of Sustainability:

  • Creating a platform integrating all building equipment to assess and optimise energy use.
  • Developing a self-assessment framework using data analysis and machine learning to report energy performance, behaviour, occupancy and equipment faults.
  • Developing a BIM interface for aggregated and disaggregated analysis and visualisation of assessments at different scales, defining locations and specifications of equipment, sensors and actuators in the BIM model.
  • Developing and demonstrating energy management services using the SATO platform to reduce energy use, increase flexibility, efficiency and user satisfaction.

Technical factsheet

  • Date: October 2020-September 2024
  • Funded Co-funded
  • Value € 6,886,157.73
  • Application category Other
  • Related Technical Working Group Community and Sustainability