Liliana Carrillo

Founder and CEO

Liliana Carrillo is a renowned computer scientist, researcher and social entrepreneur with a global reach in both the American and European markets. Her expertise lies in smart cities with a particular focus on citizens' participation. Liliana's passion has led her to explore several fields such as education, technology, business, and communities. Her professional mission is to inspire and encourage professionals to become entrepreneurs and start new businesses that are based on the cooperative model. Her personal mission, on the other hand, is to promote awareness of new technologies and methodologies that can bring about societal improvements and enhance co-responsibility in our communities.

Liliana Carrillo is currently involved in several innovative projects that aim to build peace and transform society. These include initiatives such as co-creation of urban and rural worlds in Minecraft and on paper, educational transformation through self-directed agile learning communities, and upgrading our collective intelligence and processes using blockchain and holochains. Liliana Carrillo is a strong advocate for fair and ecological cities, and she is working tirelessly to promote awareness in favor of social enterprises. Through her work as an innovation coach, Liliana is making a significant impact on societal transformation and digital innovation.

One of the initiatives, Carrillo is involved in is CollectiveUp, a digital platform that offers an innovative approach to community engagement and co-creation. Through its collaborative and participatory tools, CollectiveUp helps communities and organisations to collectively design and implement more sustainable urban environments. By leveraging the power of digitalisation, CollectiveUp enables citizens to provide their input and feedback on various topics such as mobility, energy, and green spaces, and work alongside local authorities and businesses to co-create solutions that meet their needs and improve their quality of life. This approach not only promotes more sustainable practices and behaviors but also fosters a sense of co-responsibility and ownership of the environment, ultimately leading to more resilient and thriving communities.