10-13.10.2022 | EU Region Week | Brussels, Belgium The European Week of Regions and Cities (EU Region Week 2022) is the biggest annual Brussels-based event ded…
20-21.04.2023 | ACE/EAAE | Brussels, Belgium How can architects take up a role when things become difficult? In times of political uncertainty, inhabiting a fra…
The New European Bauhaus supports a movement of sustainable communities, inclusive dialogues, and purposeful activities. The role of partners is to help build …
07.10.2022 | 14:00 - 15:30 | Brussels, Belgium (Hybrid) The potential climate benefits of using more nature-based materials, such as wood and other biomaterials…
11-13.04.2024 | CA²RE | Valencia, Spain The CA²RE Community (Conferences for Artistic and Architectural Research) is an open network that aims to improve Desig…
11-13.04.2024 | CA²RE | Valencia, Spain This edition of CA²RE proposes to explore the concept of experiment in the most varied and open way possible. It seeks …
05-07.07.2023 | TU Delft | Delft, Netherlands CAAD Futures is a biannual International Conference on Computer-aided Architectural Design. The CAAD Futures Found…
A community of practice that empowers cities networks, academia and NGOs to share knowledge and expertise on urban issues.
Open call Co-create New European Bauhaus The EIT Community New European Bauhaus (NEB) invites applicants to submit proposals for funding through its community-f…
17-18.01.2023 | EGG | Brussels, Belgium The CSSCC Conference is a unique global opportunity for cities, regions, towns, and national and international policyma…
The DIGINEB project participated in the JUST Industry Data Week in Linköping - Sweden, with a series of activities ranging from key note address on state of art…
13.10.2023 | 11:00 | University of Turin | Turin, Italy Transdisciplinary Synergies for a Flourishing Future: the New European Bauhaus as a Catalyst for Innova…
The DigiNEB technical digital working group with a focus on Education, training and civic engagement was held on the 29th of August ’24. Participants were expe…
The first DigiNEB Thematical Digital Technical Working Group was held on the 30th of July '24. Part of the discussions were stakeholders of the NEB community, k…
20.09.2023 | Zagreb Architects Association | Zagreb, Croatia Tools, Projects, and Future Directions in Practice, Research, and Education Location: On-Site: Zag…
12.12.2022 | 16:00 | Online The New European Bauhaus The New European Bauhaus (NEB) is a creative and transdisciplinary initiative to connect the European Green…
08.11.2024 | SCEWC 2023 | Barcelona, Spain First Annual Event of DigiNEB at Smart Cities Expo World Congress - SCEWC 2023 The Smart City Expo World Congress (SC…
New European Bauhaus Call for Organisers The Call is funded through the EIT Community New European Bauhaus (EIT Community NEB).